Our Therapies

  • Following a case history and thorough assessment, sessions will utilise evidence-informed treatment, accompanied by exercise rehabilitation plans which we believe gives you the best chance of becoming pain-free. Treatment may include: joint mobilisation, spinal & peripheral manipulation, soft tissue massage, and stretching techniques.

    Initial Consultation & Treatment (60 min) - £48.50

    Return Treatment (45 min) - £45

    Return Treatment (30 min) - £35

  • Sports massage is a hands on treatment which incorporates soft and deep tissue massage to alleviate muscle tension or soreness.

    Sports Massage (45 min) - £40
    Sports Massage (30 min) - £25

  • This treatment technique is used to help with pain and movement issues. The thin needles stimulate your muscles, which causes them to contract or twitch. This helps relieve pain and improve range of motion.

    60 minute session - £45